Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thing 2 - How, What, and Why's

This assigment in class is my first time having anything to do with blogs or blogging. Aside from reading an online blog on Facebook or another web source I have very little knowledge of them. Being someone who is not very comfortable with putting thoughts and emotions into type, my blog may be a bit stale and uninteresting to most honestly. Without the step by step how to set up this blog by our instructor I do not feel that I would have even looked into many blogs let alone create one myself. I do seem to enjoy this though as it goes back to Thing 1 and the concept of lifelong learning. This is yet one more new thing that I am learning in life and can see ways that I will be able to utilize this not only in future classroom settings but in my everyday life. The creation of the blog and using a Mac at school has been a challenge but I cannot say that it has been as difficult as it has been rewarding. I am not only learning a new skill but also how to use another operating system if I ever have to use the Mac system on a daily basis. Typing, to me, is much easier than putting pen to paper and I can see myself one day keeping a daily journal of events so as to be able to look back later in life and remember what I was involved in. In creating the name of the blog and the posting names I did my best to keep it simple and to the point. Like I said earlier, this being my first blogging experience I am doing my best to just make sure that I am performing all of my tasks correctly for now. As I gain better knowledge and experience I will come back and possibly jazz things up for you the reader. As for my avatar, I felt that the options to degign something similar to myself were very limited. To be more expressive through the site I used to create "me", you are required to pay real money and I just can't do that for this project. I choose orange and blue color tones to represent that I am a huge Auburn Tigers fan and the beard is pretty obvious.

1 comment:

  1. I am not a technology savvy person either, so I made my blog very "plain". But once I get the hang of things, I plan on making my blog more personalized. I had the same problem with the Mac as well!! I actually got a new Mac laptop for Christmas from my husband, and I totally bummed him out telling him that I would never learn to use it!! But finding out that all the PCs in the classrooms are Mac, I had to come home and thank my husband and now am learning slowly how things work in the Mac world. =)
