Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thing 4 - Commenting

With this Blog being about commenting and involving yourself and your thoughts into another persons life here are my thoughts. Anything of this nature that we blog or write about we want people to take notice. We want to feel that some one out there is reading and understanding (or not) what you are saying or trying to say. Not only can you find common connections between people you do not know you can establish friendships beyond the blog. We all want to feel accepted but in turn we have to understand that if we put ourselves out there for open comments to be prepared for the negatives as well. Not everyone may agree with your though process and may try to prove you wrong so as to discredit you or your blog. This may happen so just be prepared. Anytime we open ourselves up to the world we are giving small pieces of ourselves to others that follow us so remeber that sometimes not putting everything out all at once is not a bad thing. Here are the following people'slogs that I commented on:
Rachel C. - I commented on the DC or Darth Commenter is her blog number 4.
I like your comments on the DC or Darth Commenter and the need to just ignore them and move on. Sometime it is hard to let comments go and move on. People will "troll" your page or blog just to leave rude or negative comments looking to get a response from you and get under your skin. If you reply to these individuals in a negative way yourself you may discredit yourself and your blog and also set up the possiblilty for future negativity. If you are putting yourslef out there for the world to see or read though there will always be those people who just like to stir the pot and atempt to tear you down. As an advid Facebooker I see some blogs and pages that are constantly comented on by people just to cause trouble and make people upset and to watch the responses is sometimes funny and sad at the same time. It all depends on how you choose, or not to, respond.
Joshua J. - Thing 3 on How to use Social Media to reach out to students.
To give in and just accept that this is the way things are in education is the best at this point. To not use the social meida outlets at our disposal would be a waste on our part as all of the students that we will come into contact with use these outlets themselves. Sometimes I feel that social meida and such are hurting society in that are we forgetting howe to communicate face to face but in turn I see that with these you can connect with so many different people in so many ways. If I was allowed to create a Facebook page for my classes would the students be able to stay up to date better then a piece of paper that is shoved in a backpack? Would they listen better since I would be on their level of what is being used to communicate at the moment? These are two questions that you have to ask yourslef when venturing into the world of social media in the classroom and I say "ok I'll give it a shot". On the other hand will they shy away from you as you are the uncool teacher and they don't want to be seen associating with you on Facebook or other outlets? Only time will tell how this will work out for each of us in our classrooms.
Candice S. - Thing 3 Blogging for Parents
I really like your idea of blogging to connect with parent's. I plan to be in Special Education and to have the ability to share with the parents what their children will be involved in each week will be an invaluable tool. To be able to post lessons, thoughts, and ideas about what we are doing and possible ways that the parent may be able to assist their child will be such a great resource to have. The key will to make sure the parents understand what is being presented and how to access your blog so as there will be no excuses as to them no knowing what there children are learning and involved in. You may have the parent who is not computer inclined and then you may have to print up the blog for them but in the end the ability to say this is where we areto each and every one of them will be invaluable in the learning process.
Lynn K. - Thing 3 - Communication
My wife is an English/reading teacher now for five years on the high school level and I have encouraged her to start using a blog. With this being my first experience with blogging I find that this could really take off in a classroom setting. The possibility of being able to not only update your students and see their progress, as in our current class, but to give them tips and ideas as how to proceed in different areas is such a wonderful tool. As far as the split goes that will be a battle that we all will fight as shorthand becomes more and more popular in our culture....IMHO, LOL! We, as teachers, could almost use our own blogging and other social media skills to promote proper handwriting techniques and other skills through our pages. The student may not care but noone can say that we didn't try. Hopefully if we make a habit out of it so will they. We shall see......
Morgan B. - Commenting on other's blogs
When we blog it should always be expected tha tresponse to follow as long as you are reaching the correct audience. I feel the same way at times commenting on others blogs when i do not know that individual or are not that familiar with what their topic may be. The comfort I find in this is that we are all in this together and working towards the same goals so hopefully no one will receive negatives from anyone. The downside to this is just that though. When you open yourself up to comments you have to be prepared to take the good with the bad. How you handle those and respond or not is up to you and how far you may wnat to deal with the comment.
Reality 101 Special Education Blog - Ann-Bailey: We can do hard things
As a future teacher and the husband of a current teacher I see these effects on my wife during these months as well. Currently she has had most of this week off due to the extreme weather in her school district so I believe that she will feel a bit more recharged next week. As for the testing I like your thoughts on the mid-year tests and having the ability to make the changes needed moving towards the end of year tests. I feel as if systems do over test at times when teachers could be using this time to cover more information. I also understand thought that we must be able to gauge their progree and at this point testing and testing again seems to be the preferred way. we can do the hard things though and each day that we walk into a classroom should be seen as a challenge and not as a problem.
Reality 101 Special Education Blog - Rob: Why I teach
We as educators, and future one's as myself, should always instill the ability and the want to constantly learn each day in our classroom and our world. At 34, I still learn new things everytime I turn on the tv, open a book, or read an article. My goal is to learn something even if to others it may seem trivial. This excites me and should excite anyone that is concerned about their own personal growth. Everyone has the ability to learn and it is our jobs to find what excites our students and helps them grow.

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